
In our previous blog What AILS your CELLS#2, we presented the fact that your cellular health is largely dependent on the nature of your blood (Read it first if you haven’t already). Let’s discuss this further. What's so important about your blood? Blood is the largest connective...

What if we told you that you were not designed to fall sick? And that you can reverse any illness with minimal intervention from the outside? YES, the former is very true and latter is pretty much possible. Let's start by understanding the basics first...

Continuing with the topic of understanding the body's signals, we look at another condition known as Fever. This also belongs to the group of primary signals which act as precursors to many internal diseases. (read related blogs; Pain: a BOON not bane and Your body's SIGNALS) Fever is a...

Our previous blog Your body's SIGNALS introduced the idea of listening to your own body. Here we go a bit deeper to understand some of these signals namely Pain and Fever, which are the most common and key forms among others. To put it simply, Pain means inflammation...

Are you LISTENING to your body? Are you catching your body’s SIGNALS? Fever, cough, feeling low or irritated, changes in bowel or bladder routine, disturbed sleep, increased/decreased thirst or perspiration and last but not the least – pain. These are some of the indicators that your...

Have you ever considered the role of your mind/mental state in your physical health? The mainstream medical community have very reluctantly now started to accept that all diseases arise from the mind (i.e. psycho-somatic diseases technically speaking). The so-called “alternative” community though has held this belief...