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Dr. Mufassil Dingankar

The Wellness Evangelist

Dr. Mufassil Dingankar strongly advocates the principles of healthy living by providing preventive and personalised healthcare solutions. A medical doctor by qualification, a researcher by passion and an entrepreneur at heart, Mufassil brings 20 years of rich experience and expertise.

He strongly believes in the self-healing potential of every human being and passionately works towards preaching it. With the various modalities that he has created, he facilitates the restoration of his patron’s health and prevention of possible lifestyle diseases. Thus, he enables them to live a
life of well-being, vitality and power.

Genesis of a Healer

As a child, Mufassil had something special in him. He has always been matured for his age. He questioned the logic behind ideas and always sought unconventional ways to accomplish tasks. As he grew older he dared to deviate from the set norms to live a life of his choice. Perseverant and introspective, he always felt he was meant to do something special for the masses.

But life for him had been a combination of high and low tides. The tides grew stronger when he went into a coma for 48 hours following an unfortunate event. The hopes of his survival were thin but, finally, life gave him a second chance. This incident at a young age of 22 years changed his perspective. He realised the value of his life and that he was meant to set a mark.

The Journey

After his medical degree, he garnered extensive work experience practicing clinical medicine and working with various pharmaceutical and research companies.

Master’s Degree

Later, he completed his master’s degree (with distinction) from Queen Mary, University of London and worked as a lecturer at the same University. Simultaneously, he had a successful stint working with various top pharmaceutical companies in the UK.

Entrepreneurial journey

His entrepreneurial journey budded with SIL’s Solutions – a health and beauty clinic. Since then he has been taking various new initiatives. One such initiative is his brand ENPAWA - India’s First Dental Nursing Training Institute and Research Centre.

Medical Writer

With his vast knowledge in the medical field and a flair for writing, Mufassil also worked as a medical writer for various contract research organisations.

Reaching the Goal – therapetickaTM

While still studying medicine, the desire to heal people holistically sparked in him. He did a comparative study of the different branches of medicine and modalities of healing like Homoeopathy, Ayurveda, Acupuncture, Yoga and more. This stirred an urge in him to introduce people to the best healing practices. He realised the importance of curing people through faith, hope and love. He understood that a medicine shouldn’t make you dependent; rather it should make you independent.

This finally led to the birth of therapetickaTM . Backed by a strong tribe, it forged ahead to help people use the innate powers of the body to heal itself and lead a disease-free life. Thus, therapetickaTM is a journey rather than a planned business. It aims at helping people walk out of diseases, develop coping skills and build a strong foundation for a healthy living. In Mufassil’s words, “therapetickaTM is purely health-care and not sickness-care” and, “It is a proactive process rather than being a reactive one.”

Finding Light in Darkness

Mufassil’s DNA is tuned to positivity, perseverance and practicality. He sees each day as an opportunity to achieve better things and finds silence in chaos.

A fast and avid learner, he learned voraciously on the job. His unquenching thirst for knowledge keeps him ticking; while his philosophical bent of mind leads him into the depth of things.

A visionary and a leader, Mufassil draws inspiration from great personalities like Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, Martin Luther King Jr., Muhammad Ali, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar, Mother Teresa, Dr. Prakash Baba Amte and the likes.

The Passionate Wellpreneur

A prudent user of time, Mufassil is a multi-tasker with a creative bent of mind. He loves knowledge-based games and is a movie buff. He lives in Mumbai, India with his beautiful wife and son and travels across the globe helping people re-discover their health.

It is his deep sense of giving back to the society that has inspired him to delve deeper into unconventional healing methods to gift everyone a healthy life. His mission is on and he is diligently working towards making a difference.


Founder of therapetickaTM

Co-founder and Chief Strategy Officer at ENPAWA (India)

Director at Dingsons Ltd. (UK)

Associate Medical Advisor (PV Physician) at Eli Lilly and Company Ltd. (UK)

Consulting Physician for more than 2 decades

Resident Medical Officer (RMO) at Mamata Hospital and Research Centre (India)

Visiting Lecturer at Queen Mary, University of London (UK)

Distinction for his MSc dissertation titled “Current issues in Drug Safety”

Served as a School Governor on the Interim Executive board at St. Luke’s Church of England Primary School, UK

Ex-Columnist for the weekly newspaper ‘Vashi Times,’ India

Guest speaker, faculty and consultant doctor at various Scientific and Health awareness forums

Ranked 3rd at the final BHMS examination held by Karnataka University, India


Founder of therapetickaTM

Co-founder and Chief Strategy Officer at ENPAWA (India)

Director at Dingsons Ltd. (UK)

Associate Medical Advisor (PV Physician) at Eli Lilly and Company Ltd. (UK)

Consulting Physician for more than 2 decades

Resident Medical Officer (RMO) at Mamata Hospital and Research Centre (India)

Visiting Lecturer at Queen Mary, University of London (UK)

Distinction for his MSc dissertation titled “Current issues in Drug Safety”

Served as a School Governor on the Interim Executive board at St. Luke’s Church of England Primary School, UK

Ex-Columnist for the weekly newspaper ‘Vashi Times,’ India

Guest speaker, faculty and consultant doctor at various Scientific and Health awareness forums

Ranked 3rd at the final BHMS examination held by Karnataka University, India

A Touch of Faith